Well, we finally did it! September 8, 2003. After years of challenges, trying to
find a group that completely suits the needs of my family ~ with hesitation, I decided to start my own. Everything on
this site is not exactly complete. But I wanted something immediate and useful for those of you who are seeking the same/or
similar homeschooling resources, along with a supportive community. My intention with this site was to provide an additional warm
and secure place where EVERYONE felt genuinely welcomed.
As participation grows, we plan to start our Social Gatherings: park days, field trips and
other extracurricular activities in Southern California. Each gathering will be held at different times and locations within
Los Angeles County. In the meantime, please browse the site, introduce yourself on the message boards or drop us a line. This
is a support group for all of us. Please feel free to volunteer (time, expertise) or share (writings/ideas/etc.) with YOUR
group. Comments and Suggestions are encouraged. This is something new for me, and I am open to hearing your positive thoughts.
Hopefully many of you can leave this site with something you can use, while you leave the rest
I plan to share my musing with you when time permits. Hope you enjoyed this edition of